How will society keep human labour relevant in an era of increasing automation?

In this age of rapid technological advancement, the impact of automation on the workforce cannot be ignored. With machines becoming increasingly intelligent and capable, it is natural to wonder how humans can compete. However, we firmly believe that there is a place for human labour in an automated society.

While automation offers numerous benefits, such as increased efficiency and productivity, it cannot replace humans’ unique abilities and perspectives completely. Creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence are just a few examples of skills that machines cannot replicate. Thus, it is essential to find ways to integrate human labour and automation effectively, ensuring that humans remain relevant and valued in the workforce.

Throughout this article, we will explore the rise of automation in society, examine the potential impact of automation on human labour, and discuss strategies for adapting to automation effectively. We will also delve into ethical considerations surrounding automation and propose ways to preserve and cultivate human skills in an automated era.

Key Takeaways:

  • Automation is becoming increasingly prevalent in society, and its impact on human labour is significant.
  • While machines offer numerous benefits, such as increased efficiency and productivity, humans’ unique skills and perspectives cannot be replicated.
  • Integrating automation and human labour effectively is essential for ensuring that humans remain relevant in the workforce.
  • Preserving and cultivating human skills, such as creativity and critical thinking, is crucial in an automated era.
  • The ethical considerations surrounding automation in society must be acknowledged and addressed.

The Rise of Automation in Society

In recent years, the rise of automation in society has made a significant impact on human labor. Automation technologies, such as artificial intelligence and robotics, have brought increased efficiency and productivity to many industries. However, the impact of automation on human labor cannot be ignored. As machines become more capable of performing tasks typically done by humans, the need for human labor in certain industries may decrease.

The impact of automation on human labor is not always negative, though. Automation can also create new job opportunities and increase productivity, leading to economic growth. It is important to view the rise of automation in society through a balanced lens, considering both the negative and positive effects on human labor.

One example of the impact of automation on human labor can be seen in the manufacturing industry. The use of robotics and other automation technologies has led to increased efficiency in production processes, reducing the need for human labor in certain tasks. However, this has also created new job opportunities in the field of robotics and automation, requiring humans to design, build, and maintain the machines.

Overall, the rise of automation in society has brought significant changes to the workforce. It is important for individuals and society to stay informed on the latest developments in automation and adapt accordingly. In the following sections, we will explore the future of human labor in an increasingly automated world and discuss strategies for integrating automation and human skills effectively.

Understanding the Future of Human Labour

As automation technologies continue to advance, the future of human labor remains uncertain. However, we can make informed predictions about the direction it may take. With the increasing integration of automation into the workforce, human labor will likely be concentrated in areas that require advanced technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and creativity. These are areas where machines are not yet able to fully replace human workers.

Moreover, the rise of automation will lead to the creation of new jobs that require a different set of skills. For instance, roles that involve the design, programming, and maintenance of automated systems will likely become more prevalent. Similarly, jobs that require interpersonal skills, such as counseling or coaching, will remain in demand as machines cannot replace human empathy and emotional intelligence.

Job Polarization

One of the major concerns surrounding the future of human labor is job polarization. This refers to the phenomenon where job opportunities are increasingly split between high-skill, high-wage roles and low-skill, low-wage jobs. The middle-skill jobs, on the other hand, are disappearing. This trend has been attributed to the rise of automation, as machines can replace many routine-based jobs that require medium-level skills.

The data supports this trend. According to a report by the Brookings Institution, between 2002 and 2016, the number of jobs in the United States that required high-level skills increased by 6.6%, while the number of jobs requiring low-level skills increased by 5.6%. In contrast, the number of middle-skill jobs decreased by 7.6%.

Preparing for the Future

Given these predictions, it is crucial for individuals to adapt to the changing landscape of the labor market. Education and training will be key in developing the skills necessary to stay relevant in an increasingly automated world. Upskilling and reskilling programs will become essential, enabling workers to learn new skills and remain competitive in the job market.

Moreover, policymakers will need to create an environment that facilitates the integration of automation and human labor. This includes providing incentives for businesses to invest in training and development programs, promoting the creation of new jobs, and establishing regulations that protect workers from exploitation by employers that may seek to take advantage of the changing landscape.


As automation becomes more prevalent in the workforce, the future of human labor remains uncertain. However, by developing the necessary skills to remain competitive and fostering an environment that facilitates the coexistence of automation and human labor, we can navigate this new era with confidence.

Adapting to Automation in Society

As automation becomes more prevalent in society, it is crucial for individuals and society as a whole to adapt to this new reality. Automation technologies continue to evolve, and it is essential to find ways to complement these technologies with human skills, ensuring that human labor remains crucial in the workforce.

The Importance of Human Skills in an Automated Era

While automation technologies can perform repetitive tasks quickly and accurately, they lack the creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence that are unique to human beings. These skills are vital in many industries, from healthcare to education, and it is essential to preserve and cultivate them in an automated era.

One way humans can adapt to automation is by focusing on the tasks that require uniquely human skills, such as creative problem-solving or empathetic communication. This approach enables humans to work alongside automation technologies, complementing their strengths and weaknesses effectively.

Harnessing the Power of Human Skills

To harness the power of human skills effectively, it is crucial to identify areas where automation technologies fall short. By focusing on tasks that require human skills, individuals can augment and refine their abilities while remaining essential to the workforce.

Moreover, individuals can also upskill themselves to remain relevant in an automated era. Lifelong learning is essential, and individuals can take courses, attend workshops, or participate in training programs to stay up-to-date with emerging technologies and acquire new skills.

The Role of Education in Adapting to Automation

Education plays a crucial role in equipping individuals with the necessary skills to thrive in an automated era. Schools and universities can create programs that emphasize creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence, complementing the strengths of automation technologies.

Moreover, education can drive innovation and experimentation, promoting the development of new technologies that complement human skills, rather than replacing them.

Adapting to Automation in Society


The rise of automation in society presents both challenges and opportunities. Adapting to this new reality requires a shift in mindset, one that sees humans working alongside automation technologies, complementing their strengths and weaknesses. By harnessing the power of human skills and prioritizing lifelong learning, individuals and society can ensure that human labor remains relevant and essential in an automated era.

The Impact of Automation on Job Market

The impact of automation on human labor has been a topic of debate for several years, and with good reason. While automation brings significant benefits, it also has the potential to displace human workers from their jobs. According to a report by the McKinsey Global Institute, up to 375 million workers globally may need to switch occupations or learn new skills by 2030 due to automation.

The displacement of certain jobs is inevitable, but we must find ways to sustain human employment in the era of automation. One strategy is to focus on jobs that require uniquely human skills that cannot be easily replicated by machines. Skills such as creativity, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and empathy are in high demand and will remain relevant in the future job market.

Sustaining Human Employment in the Era of Automation

We cannot ignore the negative impact automation can have on certain industries and job positions. However, there are several strategies we can embrace to sustain human employment in the face of automation:

  • Investing in education and training to equip individuals with new skills that are in high demand in the future job market.
  • Encouraging individuals to pursue careers that require uniquely human skills, such as healthcare, education, and the arts.
  • Encouraging and incentivizing companies to invest in retraining and upskilling their employees to take on new roles.
  • Promoting job-sharing and flexible working arrangements to ensure that people can continue to work even if their job has been partially automated.

By embracing these strategies and fostering a culture of lifelong learning, we can create a future where automation and human labor coexist harmoniously. It is our responsibility to ensure that the benefits of automation are spread equitably and that no one is left behind in the changing job market.

Strategies for Integrating Automation and Human Labour

In the face of increasing automation, it is crucial to find ways to integrate automation and human skills effectively. Here are some strategies that can enable the coexistence and collaboration between automation and human labor:

  1. Identifying tasks that automation can replace: By analyzing job functions and identifying tasks that automation can replace, individuals and organizations can prepare for the integration of automation more effectively. Understanding which tasks can be automated allows individuals to enhance their skill sets while organizations can restructure job roles to optimize collaboration between humans and automation.
  2. Upskilling: Upskilling is essential in equipping individuals with the necessary skills to thrive in an automated era. By acquiring new skills or enhancing existing ones, individuals can take on roles that complement automation, making them more valuable in the workforce. Organizations can play a vital role in upskilling their employees by offering training programs and other resources to facilitate skill development.
  3. Designing automation to complement human skills: Automation should be designed to complement rather than replace human skills. By understanding the unique capabilities of automation and human labor, organizations can design tasks that leverage the strengths of both, enabling more efficient and effective collaboration. For example, automation can be used to perform repetitive tasks while humans focus on complex decision-making.
  4. Encouraging human-automation teams: Encouraging human-automation teams can foster collaboration and enable individuals to work alongside automation to achieve common goals. Creating a team dynamic can foster trust and communication between humans and automation, leading to improved efficiency and more effective outcomes.
  5. Providing ongoing training: To remain relevant in an automated world, individuals must continue to develop their skills. Organizations can play a crucial role in facilitating ongoing training, providing employees with opportunities to learn and develop new skills. By offering training programs and other resources, organizations can ensure that employees remain valuable contributors to the workforce.

These strategies can be adapted to suit different industries and contexts, and they offer a roadmap for individuals and organizations to sustain human employment in the era of automation. By fostering integration between automation and human labor, we can work towards a future where humans and automation coexist harmoniously in the workforce.

Preserving Human Skills in the Age of Automation

In an era dominated by automation, it is essential to recognize and preserve human skills that are uniquely human, such as creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence. These skills play a crucial role in complementing and enhancing automation in the workforce.

More than ever, technological advancements are rapidly transforming the nature of work, rendering some jobs obsolete and creating new opportunities. However, automation cannot replace human creativity, which is essential in generating fresh ideas and solutions that propel innovation.


Furthermore, automation lacks the empathy and emotional intelligence that are crucial in fields such as healthcare, social work, and counseling. While automation can improve efficiency and accuracy in these areas, human interaction and empathy better serve individuals in need.

It is crucial to preserve these human skills by nurturing them through education, training, and practical experience. By doing so, we can create a workforce that is not only technically proficient but also capable of leveraging uniquely human skills to keep us relevant in an automated age.

The Importance of Lifelong Learning

For individuals, continuous learning and upskilling are essential in adapting to an automated workforce. It is crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and develop new skills that complement automation. This can be achieved through online courses, workshops, and on-the-job training.

Employers also have a role to play in facilitating lifelong learning for their employees. They can provide opportunities for upskilling and reskilling, invest in training programs, and encourage employees to pursue professional development.

Promoting a Holistic Approach to Education

It is important to note that preserving human skills requires a holistic approach to education. Instead of solely focusing on technical skills, educational institutions must emphasize the development of critical thinking, creativity, emotional intelligence, and other uniquely human skills.

By doing so, we can cultivate a workforce that is well-equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by automation. This is crucial in ensuring that human labor remains relevant and essential in the workforce.


Preserving and cultivating human skills is crucial in an age dominated by automation. By acknowledging the significance of uniquely human skills, promoting lifelong learning and upskilling, and taking a holistic approach to education, we can create a workforce that is equipped to thrive in the era of automation.

Education and Upskilling for a Robotic Age

In an era of increasing automation, it is crucial for individuals and society at large to adapt and stay ahead of the curve. This means embracing lifelong learning and continuously upskilling to remain relevant in the labor market.

At its core, upskilling is all about expanding your skill set, and education is the pathway to achieving this goal. In today’s society, there are many educational resources available, ranging from traditional classroom-based courses to online tutorials and certifications.

One of the benefits of online education is its accessibility. Online courses allow individuals to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule, providing flexibility that is often unavailable in traditional classroom-based programs. Additionally, online education is often more affordable, making it accessible to a wider range of individuals.

Another aspect of upskilling is career advancement. In the era of automation, the skills required for many jobs are changing rapidly, making it essential to keep up with the latest trends and technologies. By continuously learning and adding new skills to their arsenal, individuals can position themselves for career advancement and greater job security.

As we look to the future, it is clear that education and upskilling will play an increasingly important role in ensuring human labor remains relevant in the face of automation. By embracing lifelong learning and continuously expanding our skill set, we can adapt to the changing landscape and sustain human employment in the era of automation.

Strategies for Integrating Automation and Human Labour

As automation becomes increasingly prevalent in society, we must find ways to integrate human skills effectively to ensure continued relevance in the labor market. Here are some strategies that enable the coexistence and collaboration of automation and human labor:

  1. Identify tasks that complement automation: Automation excels in repetitive, routine tasks, while human workers perform better in creative and decision-making tasks. By identifying which tasks can complement each other, we can integrate automation and human labor effectively.
  2. Training and upskilling: Upskilling and training in areas where human skills are uniquely valuable, such as innovation and problem-solving, can help maintain the relevance of human labor in the face of automation.
  3. Flexible working arrangements: Offering flexible working arrangements such as remote work or job sharing can enable organizations to benefit from both automation and human labor simultaneously.
  4. Collaborative robots: Collaborative robots, also known as cobots, are designed to work alongside humans, enhancing their performance and productivity. Cobots can take on dangerous or physically demanding tasks, while human workers focus on more complex tasks.
  5. Avoid an “either-or” mentality: It’s essential to avoid thinking in terms of “either-or.” Instead, we should look for ways to integrate automation and human labor to enhance productivity and efficiency.

The Benefits and Challenges of Integrating Automation and Human Labour

Integrating automation and human labor comes with its own set of benefits and challenges. The benefits include:

  • Increased productivity due to the strengths of each component complementing each other
  • Fewer errors or accidents, as automation can take over repetitive or hazardous tasks
  • Increased job satisfaction, as human workers can focus on tasks that require their unique skills and abilities
  • Improved innovation, as human workers can focus on creative problem-solving and generating new ideas

However, there are also some challenges to be considered:

  • The initial cost of implementing automation systems can be high.
  • Integrating automation can require significant changes to the current work environment, which may be difficult for some organizations to manage.
  • There is a potential for job displacement, as automation can replace some tasks traditionally performed by human workers.
  • The need for upskilling to ensure that human workers remain relevant in the face of automation.

Overall, integrating automation and human labor can be a powerful way to maintain the relevance of human skills in an era of increasing automation. By adopting a collaborative approach to automation, we can enhance productivity and efficiency while also preserving human skills and providing job opportunities for human workers.


In the era of increasing automation, it is imperative that society takes active steps to sustain human employment. We must embrace the opportunities presented by automation while recognizing and preserving the unique value of human skills.

As we explored in this article, the rise of automation in society has significant implications for the job market, and we need to adapt to this changing landscape. By adopting strategies that enable the coexistence and collaboration between automation and human labor, we can ensure that human skills remain relevant.

Education and upskilling are also crucial in equipping individuals with the necessary skills to thrive in an automated era. Continuously developing our skills and nurturing uniquely human traits such as creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence will be critical to remaining competitive in the job market.

Working Towards a Harmonious Future

At the same time, we must bear in mind the ethical considerations of automation. While automation presents significant benefits, it also raises concerns that need to be addressed through safeguards and regulations.

By working towards a future where humans and automation coexist harmoniously in the workforce, we can ensure sustainable human employment in the era of automation.

Ultimately, the key to keeping human labor relevant lies in our ability to adapt and evolve in this rapidly changing environment. By doing so, we can forge a future where humans continue to be an integral part of the workforce and thrive alongside automation.


How will society keep human labour relevant in an era of increasing automation?

Society can keep human labor relevant by focusing on the importance of uniquely human skills such as creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence. By cultivating and preserving these skills, individuals can complement automation and remain valuable in the workforce.

What is the impact of automation on human labour?

Automation has both positive and negative implications for human labor. While it can lead to job displacement in certain industries, it also presents opportunities for innovation and the creation of new roles. It is crucial for society to adapt and find ways to sustain human employment in the face of increasing automation.

How can society adapt to automation?

Society can adapt to automation by focusing on continuous learning and upskilling. Emphasizing education and providing opportunities for individuals to acquire new skills will enable them to thrive in an automated era. Additionally, fostering collaboration between automation and human labor through effective integration strategies is essential.

What are some strategies for integrating automation and human labor?

Strategies for integrating automation and human labor include identifying tasks that are best suited for automation while emphasizing the skills that humans excel at, such as problem-solving, creativity, and complex decision-making. Collaboration between humans and automation can lead to increased efficiency and productivity.

Why are human skills important in an automated era?

Human skills such as creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence are uniquely human and difficult to replicate through automation. These skills are vital for tasks that require empathy, adaptability, and innovation. Preserving and cultivating these skills ensures that human labor remains valuable and relevant in the workforce.

How can education and upskilling help individuals in a robotic age?

Education and upskilling play a crucial role in equipping individuals with the necessary skills to thrive in an automated era. Lifelong learning allows individuals to adapt to changing job requirements and acquire new skills as automation evolves. Continuous development and staying abreast of technological advancements are key to sustaining human employment.

What ethical considerations are associated with automation?

Automation raises ethical concerns, particularly in relation to human labor. Some considerations include job displacement, privacy and data security, and the potential for bias in algorithmic decision-making. Implementing safeguards and regulations that ensure fair and ethical practices in automation is essential for protecting the rights and wellbeing of workers.

How can society ensure the coexistence of humans and automation?

Society can ensure the coexistence of humans and automation by fostering a collaborative environment that values and leverages the strengths of both. Emphasizing the importance of human skills, investing in lifelong learning, and implementing ethical guidelines can create a harmonious relationship between humans and automation in the workforce.

What is the importance of preserving and nourishing human skills in an age dominated by automation?

Preserving and nourishing human skills is crucial because automation cannot replicate qualities such as creativity, empathy, and complex decision-making. These skills are essential for tasks that require a human touch and contribute to innovation and problem-solving. By valuing and developing these skills, individuals can maintain their relevance and value in an automated era.

How can society sustain human employment in the era of automation?

Society can sustain human employment in the era of automation by adapting to the changing landscape and proactively focusing on developing human skills and expertise. Emphasizing the importance of collaboration between humans and automation, providing continuous learning opportunities, and implementing policies that support the workforce are essential steps towards sustaining human employment in an automated world.